Two weeks ago my boss asked for a meeting. “Certainly,” I
“I’m up here delivering employment renewal letters to the
staff,” he said. “I don’t have one for you.”
Cue the stunned silence and queasiness.
It appears two officials to whom I did not report directly
mandated this. It does not appear this was my boss’ decision. Regime change at
many levels can precipitate internal changes anywhere. While I am certain this
was somewhat emasculating and clearly upsetting for him, it was the first time
a new dean and the provost had exerted such influence over the senior vice
president for university advancement: a position that purports to report
directly to the president of the university, just as my position purported to
report directly to the senior vice president for advancement. I hope that the
institution (and others) will provide full disclosure that this is possible
when recruiting new hires in the future. Important note: my relationship with
my boss was always excellent. He has always been and will continue to be a very
decent and noble gentleman.
So here we are: two weeks’ severance and a modest amount of
vacation “buy out.”
I had been dabbling in a return to my area of excellence,
external communication and media relations, for the better part of two years.
This very nearly came to fruition twice, but no dice. Regardless, this
transition was going to be necessary, and this just happened to be the catalyst.
It may be the best thing to ever happen to me. It just doesn’t feel that way at
the moment.
After more than ten years in public relations and three
years in higher education I have a small handful of warm leads for “good fit”
positions and even an advocate or two on the inside. I have been doing a little
side work for a client in the political arena and have recently had several
articles published in an outdoor online magazine. I will be reaching out to
some folks with whom I have spoken previously about a direct client engagement
as well as to some trusted colleagues who I believe can provide sound counsel
and possibly some direct assistance.
If you, or any of your colleagues, can use someone with high
levels of external communications proficiency (including social media), project
management and media relations experience, please let me know. If you have some
writing that needs to be done and no one, or no time, to do it let me know. If
you or your organization feel you have something to say, but are not quite sure
how to say it, let me know.
Unless the opportunity demands that I postpone, I am still
going to be in Idaho and Montana July 3rd through July 16th
to test new gear for publication, pitch some client work, visit a company I
would positively love to work for and to try to enjoy some of the restorative
qualities that trip always provides.
Now, on to the next!
I’m over on LinkedIn here:
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